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When Your Characters Are Smarter Than You

Writer: Sarah Kate IshiiSarah Kate Ishii

Updated: Feb 21

Today, I found myself feeling unsure about my progress on something I’m working on. Out of nowhere, a piece of dialogue from my noblebright WIP popped into my mind, and it hit home.

Isn’t it crazy how our characters can inspire us? 

Sometimes, they say things that resonate so deeply, it feels like they’re personally giving us a pep talk. At times like that I’m amazed at how wise they are.

Then it hits me: I wrote those characters. Those words came from me. It's a strange mix of pride and confusion. If I can create such insightful characters, why do I sometimes struggle to listen to my own advice?

And I know that’s something many authors wonder sometimes. Is it even possible to create characters smarter or wiser than you are? How would you do that and have it look authentic?

If my characters are giving me advice, then maybe I’m safe there!

I guess we all need a reminder from time to time. So next time you doubt yourself, consider turning to your characters. Or a character you love in a book or movie. They might just have the words you need to hear, and I don’t think it’s different to turning to a non fiction book.

As they say, non fiction is learning through facts.

Fiction is learning through stories.

And speaking of wise characters, can we talk about Uncle Iroh? He’s a prime example of the wisdom fiction can offer!

(And today’s wisdom? “It starts with one.” That’s from Prince Valaerian in my WIP Iron Angels. Just had to share it, in case serendipity does its thing and someone else reading this needs to hear it too.)

PS, I'll be looking for beta readers for Iron Angels once the drafting stage is over, so drop me a private message if this is something you might be interested in.



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