It’s been a while since I launched Origin Curse and Dark Tides, and the feedback I’ve been receiving from readers has exceeded my wildest dreams.
People tell me the books are immersive reads, making them feel like they’re part of the Dynasty Codes world—interacting with the characters. Everyone shares their favourite character or one they relate to. As the author, this is exactly what I hoped for.
I discovered my love for reading fantasy as a child. I was quite sick and didn’t have the same social options as others, so I buried myself in fantasy books. When I read, it felt like an experience—immersing myself so fully in the stories that I made it my life goal to offer others that same feeling.
Being an author was always my dream, and since that moment, I’ve wanted to give people the opportunity to go on the same adventures I did through books.
I still remember once, sitting on my lunch break in a small office block, reading Robin Hobb’s Liveship Traders series (she
's one of my all-time author icons). As I read, the roaring of the winds and water under the ship blended with the background noise of a bustling café, and I suddenly remembered where I was—not in a book, but in an office with just minutes left to rush back to work. Good timing though.
That feeling—of being transported—is what I want to give my readers. Not just reading on a couch or in a room, but experiencing the forest, a magical battle, or the wind whipping past you in the sky. To forget just for a moment where you are in the real world.
It’s a lifelong vision, and I promise to keep growing as an author. I’ll continue to bring you more immersive worlds and characters you can fall in love with. Stick with me, and let's see together where the journey leads.