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Exciting Milestone: Origin Curse's Third Print Run Finishes!

Hey Fantasy Readers,

I'm thrilled to share some incredible news with you – the last batch of my third print run for Origin Curse, the first book in the Dynasty Codes series, has been sent out! The recent book signing event at Dymocks Books in Chermside was nothing short of amazing, where I had the pleasure of connecting with both familiar faces and new readers.

Sarah Kate Ishii holding up two of her books from the Dynasty Codes fantasy series at a book signing with Dymocks, Australia.
Book signing at Dymocks Chermside Feb 2024

As a self-published author, surpassing the common benchmark of 250 book sales within a book's lifetime is a monumental achievement. What's even more exhilarating? Origin Curse achieved this milestone in less than a year! I'm genuinely humbled and grateful for the fantastic response from my growing community of readers. Thanks for being here.

If you haven't embarked on this fantasy journey yet, now's the perfect time to live the immersive world of Dynasty Codes. I've heard from readers it's an emotional one. Origin Curse is available directly through my website at – simply get in touch directly to secure your copy. For international readers (non Australia), the series is also accessible on Amazon and major online stores.

I find myself exactly where I need to be – crafting fantasy worlds that transport readers without the hassle of packing! 😉 The adventure doesn't stop here; exciting times lie ahead as I can't wait to share more fantasy worlds with you.

Stay tuned for updates, and thank you for being a part of this incredible journey!

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