We live in a world of untold stories. Where people are nervous to share their thoughts and ideas and where those who want to be writers are still told to 'find a proper job'. So when I heard Jimmy Carr say this on Diary of a CEO, it blew me away with how true it is.
"Many people live and die and never find their voice."
It's one of life's greatest tragedies.
It makes me wonder. How many potential authors remain in the shadows due to nerves, self-doubt, or fear of rejection?
Is this you?
Do you feel you're not good enough? Or that no-one will want to hear your story?
Perhaps you don't know where to start?
I get it. I was one of those who dreamt always of being an author, but was that child who had the light snubbed out by people telling me to find a real job.
I'm glad I didn't listen. At least, for long. I did at first. Until the urge just became too much.
So this is what I want to tell you today.
Just start writing.
Find your voice.
It doesn't have to be a whole book. It can be a journal. Poetry. Even a post-it note.
Just make it a regular part of your day.
You won't find your voice immediately, but with time, you'll discover it.
And when you do, it will be fantastic.
Don't let hesitation hold you back. Take the first step, even if it's small.